HTWG canteen/cafeteria

The canteen and cafeteria at Hochschule Konstanz University of Applied Sciences (HTWG) are centrally located within the university campus and overlook the Seerhein.

Choose your favourite from a variety of meals available here:
Our daily offer includes the Seezeit-Teller, KombinierBar and hin&weg, one of which is always vegetarian. There is also a salad buffet and meals from the special offer counter.

And if you’re feeling a bit peckish, coffee, cold drinks and fresh fruit as well as sweet and savoury snacks await you in the morning at the cafeteria on the ground floor.


From 29.03.2024 until 01.04.2024 the Mensa and Cafateria will be closed.

We open again on 02.04.2024.

Opening hours

Mon - Fri   11.00 - 14.00

Mon - Fri   07.30 - 14.00


Closed on holidays