A student loan or credit can help you finance your studies. We would like to present some of the offers to you. Our social counsellor is happy to answer any further questions. You can find a first overview of various student loans and credits (in German) here:
For students who find themselves temporarily in an emergency financial situation, an interest-free loan can provide rapid assistance. We can offer you two kinds of interest-free loan: the hardship fund from the Deutsche Studentenwerk (DSW) and the Seezeit hardship fund. Up to a total of €2000
For both types of loans you must appoint a suitable guarantor who can provide evidence of a regular income in the Federal Republic of Germany. You can also find further guidelines and provisions in our downloads.
You can find out about interest-free loans by speaking to our social counsellor, Marlies Piper. She will answer your questions and help you to complete the contract documents.
The ‘Bildungskredit’ (education loan) is a program by the German Federal Government that is particularly aimed at students taking part in advanced studies. The Bildungskredit can provide an interest-free alternative whenever your study costs are too high or there is a risk that you may not be able to complete your degree course. You can make a further claim for this for your master’s degree course on completion of your bachelor’s exams.
We would be pleased to advise you regarding your eligibility for a Bildungskredit and the associated terms and conditions. The contact person in these matters is our social counsellor, Marlies Piper.
You can obtain the contract documents directly from the Federal Office of Administration. You can get the contract certified only at a bank
We will advise you in detail on the options available to you, including the KfW Student Loan, clarify the conditions and answer your questions. Counselling or analogue application acceptance is still possible in person in Constance and Weingarten until 30.10.2023, after which it will only be possible digitally. If you are interested, please make an appointment.
Please note: The KfW student loan can no longer be activated via Seezeit.
Counseling in Konstanz
Please make an appointment for initial counseling and application acceptance. You will find the Social Counseling Office of the University of Konstanz in the K-Building below the Mensa.
Initial Counseling
Marlies Piper
Social Counseling
Room K 312
Tel + 49 7531 - 9782 211
Verifications during the contract period
Certificate of study
Please note that you must provide proof of your ongoing enrolment by 15 April or 15 October of each year. Proof can only be submitted digitally via KfW sales partners.
Link KfW online portal certificate of study
Certificate of achievement
At the latest by the end of the sixth semester in the Bachelor's program, you must submit a certificate of achievement from the university for 90 ECTS directly to KfW. If an extension semester is required due to the Corona pandemic, a semester can be applied for and extended via an informal application to KfW if the university confirms the delay for organisational reasons.
Link: Form certificate of achievement
Funding beyond the 10th semester
If necessary, KfW-Bank can extend your contract until the 14th semester. To do so, submit the university's certificate from the 10th semester stating that you expect to successfully complete your studies in four more semesters.
Link Certificate of the university about the expected completion of studies