Making sure you have sufficient insurance is an important part of being a student. We have therefore provided some basic information here on the types of insurance that are relevant to students.
Please note that, while we are glad to be of assistance to you, we can only help you with certain insurance matters (e.g. reporting an accident). You are personally responsible for taking out your own insurance and following the correct procedure in the event of an insurance claim.
Personal liability must be taken out privately by the student. This comes into effect whenever a person causes injury or harm. Compensation claims for 100,000 euros and higher can easily occur, for which you are personally liable.
Typical examples of instances where personal liability insurance is advisable include, e.g.:
We especially recommend foreign students and university applicants to take out personal liability insurance. It is worth comparing the options. The International Office at the University of Konstanz provides insurance quotes of around 20 or 30 euros for six months coverage.
Students who are studying in Germany must provide proof of health insurance. It is mandatory for students to hold statutory health insurance in accordance with § 5 section 1 (9) SGB V. Students already holding private insurance can switch to statutory health insurance at the start of the semester. Those wishing to continue under private insurance can opt out of statutory health insurance within the first three months. However, this process is irreversible for the entire duration of your degree course.
Family insurance
Are you under 25 and earning no more than 485 euros or less than 520 euros with a mini-job? Then you can get family insurance.
If you are under 25 and have legally insured parents, you can normally insure your family for free through your parents. Students whose spouse is legally insured can accordingly be jointly insured with this person for the entire duration of their studies. It is only possible to exceed the maximum income level for a short time. Contact your local health insurance provider.
Student insurance
Are you over 25? Or if you exceed the income threshold you can take out student insurance.
Students aged between 25 and 30 years old and who haven’t yet completed semester 14 can receive student insurance for around 130 euros per month incl. nursing care insucrance.
If the age limit is exceeded, time spent in the civilian/military service may be extended. The same also applies for voluntary services (§ 10 section 2 (3) SGB V).
In addition, there are legal grounds for extending the age limit due to the nature of the education or training course, or for personal/family reasons e.g. parental leave (§ 5 section.1 no.9 SGB V) or illness. Please contact the social counselling department for advice.
After that, the more expensive voluntary insurance comes into effect for around 210 euros. This must be applied for within three months. The slightly less expensive graduate rate will apply for an interim period of six months. The health insurance providers stagger the insurance premiums based on different levels of income.
Receiving orphan’s pension
If you are in receipt of (half) orphan’s pension, this is normally sufficient status to cover your health insurance. A separate amount for health insurance is stated on your notice of pension award and forwarded directly to your health insurance company.
Exemption from additional payments
There is a limit placed on the amount of additional costs payable for medications or treatments in accordance with § 62 SGB V. This is set at 2 percent of gross income or 1 percent in the case of chronic illness. Contact your local health insurance provider.
Students at universities in Baden-Württemberg are insured through the local state accident insurance institution. In other words, if an accident takes place on the way to the university or on the university campus, you are protected by the UKBW. Further information, e.g. what activities are legally insured against accidents, can be found on the UKBW homepage.
What to do in the event of an accident?
Have you been injured during the course of your studies on the university campus or during a university event (including university sports)? Then please contact the relevant person to submit an accident report:
University of Konstanz
Please arrange an appointment at the Seezeit Service Center to complete the accident report forms.
Service Center Konstanz
Level A 5
Tel +49 7531 - 9782 220
Hochschule Konstanz University of Applied Sciences, University of Applied Sciences Weingarten, University of Education Weingarten and Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW)
Please contact your student administration office.