A tree is worth a thousand words

| Seezeit

Seezeit says "Thank you" by donating trees

Seezeit thanks local colleges and universities for their 50 years of trusting cooperation by donating trees to their campuses.


Seezeit planted at HTWG Konstanz and the University of Konstanz trees. At the University of Applied Sciences HTWG a "Prunus serrulata Kanzan" was planted. It is located west of Building F, where it will flourish from now on. The University of Konstanz had received a fluttering elm (or Ulmus laevis Pall.). The tree grows right next to the Building K on the promenade in the direction of the lake.


The PH Weingarten, the Cooperative State University Ravensburg and the University of Applied Sciences Ravensburg-Weingarten will also receive a tree by November.


All in all, Seezeit will donate five trees that symbolize 50 years of collaboration with these universities, and are a sign of sustainability, stability, growth, strong local roots and constancy across the generations.