Collection of garbage at the Rhine

|   Konstanz | Seezeit

RhineCleanup: The Seezeit Strandbar is in.

On September 15, 2018 is World Cleanup Day - on this occasion, the idea of ​​a RhineCleanup from the source to the mouth was born. Constance may not be missing with the Rhine kilometer 0 - of course. "The Working Group garbage" has organized a garbage collection campaign that we would like to support. It starts at 10 o'clock at the Rheintorturm, from 2 o'clock there is a refreshment for all helpers in our <link 411 - internal-link "Öffnet internen Link im aktuellen Fenster">Seezeit Strandbar</link>.


More infomartion:

  • Official Website
  • Facebook Event