Five gifted trees for fifthy years cooperation

| Seezeit

50 years Seezeit, 5 Universities, 5 planted trees

On 6th and 7th of November, Seezeit donated additional trees for the campus of the university partners on the north side of Lake Constance.


PH Weingarten was handed a chestnut, which has found its place opposite the NWZ. DHBW Ravensburg is happy about a winter linden on the campus Friedrichshafen Fallenbrunnen. A walnut tree now graces RWU opposite the main building in Weingarten.


With the two tree donations in October to the HTWG Konstanz and the University of Konstanz (<link - external-link-new-window "Öffnet internen Link im aktuellen Fenster">read more</link>), a total of 5 trees were planted at campuses and donated to the universities.