Kooperationsprojekt "Hochschulstadt Konstanz" von Campuls und Südkurier

|   Konstanz | Leben

The editors of Campuls and Südkurier write together about the university city of Konstanz

<link aktuelles/detail/kooperationsprojekt-hochschulstadt-konstanz-von-campuls-und-suedkurier/>Please notice: The issues of Campuls and the online reports are only available in German. To read them, please visit the German version. Thank you for your understanding.</link>


Campuls is Seezeit’s student magazine and is published twice per semester at the university and at the Hochschule Konstanz University of Applied Sciences (HTWG). Campuls allows students to write (not only ) for students about the topics affecting them concerning the university campus, their degree courses and living in Konstanz. Campuls is available for free at the CampusCafé, Strandbar, canteens and Seezeit Service Centers.


Here you will find exclusive online reports from the editors. Current information on the student life in Konstanz, views on the outside and the possibility to get in touch with the editorial staff, you can also find on <link www.facebook.com/campulsonline/ _blank external-link-new-window "Öffnet externen Link in neuem Fenster">Facebook</link>.