Online event: How can I finance my studies?

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 How do I finance my studies? Cover

How do I finance my studies? BAföG, scholarships, loans and more

On Thursday, 9 March 2023, at 4 p.m., there will be an online info event for interested students. Our social counsellor Marlies Piper will inform about "BAföG, scholarships, student loans, loan funds and more" at a presentation of the Central Student Counselling HTWG.

You will hear about the possibilities of financing your studies during the presentation and have the opportunity to ask your personal questions.

The presentation is held in German.

You can participate via the HTWG's Webex link:


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    Meeting-Kennnummer: 2732 664 4305
    Passwort: RzeaPJGJ436
    Über Telefon beitreten +49-619-6781-9736
    Zugriffscode: 2732 664 4305

    Data protection: By participating in this offer / joining this room, you confirm that you have taken note of our privacy policy.


All information can also be found on the HTWG's info page on the digital study day.




  • Please follow the guidelines below when attending:

    Punctuality: Except for our open counselling (continuous), our services start at fixed times. Please enter the rooms on time. If you arrive late, remember that any questions you may have have already been answered.

    Entering the rooms: Please always turn off your microphone and camera when entering our virtual rooms. If you wish, you can turn your camera back on later. You will then be seen by all participants in the room.

    Questions: Our formats are mostly interactive. You can ask questions via the chat function. Only activate your microphone if you are called upon to do so. Depending on the event, the questions will be answered permanently or collectively at the end.

    Recordings: Recordings of the events are prohibited for legal data protection reasons.