Pub tour Konstanz: Stranbar is taking part!

|   Konstanz | Seezeit

Pub tour Konstanz: Stranbar is taking part!

Get your voucher book for the pub tour Konstanz 2018 and get to know different bars and pubs in town.  You can win a cool T-Shirt as well as vouchers worth 50 Euros.

Tickets will be available today at the Canteen Gießberg and Canteen HTWG as well as at the Tourist-Information at the train station in Konstanz.

Have fun!



<link _blank external-link-new-window "Öffnet internen Link im aktuellen Fenster">Kneipentour Konstanz 2018</link>

<link 411 _blank internal-link-new-window "Öffnet internen Link in neuem Fenster">Strandbar</link>