Due to an internal event, we would like to inform you about the reduced service of our canteen, cafeterias and other facilities. Please notice the following changes on Friday, 1st July 2022:
- Konstanz:
Canteen Gießberg: closed on K6; small lunch available at Al stuDente
CampusCafé: reduced opening hours
BibCafé: closed
Administration & BAföG-Office: closed
Canteen HTWG: closed
Cafeteria HTWG: open with reduced menu
- Weingarten:
Canteen Weingarten: open with reduced menu
KaffeeBar & Cafeteria NWZ: open
- Ravensburg:
Canteen Ravensburg: closed
- Friedrichshafen:
Canteen Friedrichshafen & RITZ: closed