Accessibility statement

Seezeit Studierendenwerk Bodensee AöR aims to make its websites accessible in accordance with § 10 paragraph 1 of the Landesbehindertengleichstellungsgesetz (L-BGG).

This declaration on accessibility applies to the version of the website and that can be currently accessed on the Internet. 


We currently are working on the relaunch of our websites to improve usability, also taking into account the criteria for equal participation of people with disabilities.


1. Status of compatibility with the requirements

These websites are not compatible with Section 10 (1) L-BGG. The incompatibilities and exceptions are listed below


2. Non-accessible content

The content listed below is not accessible for the following reasons:


2.1 Incompatibility with Section 10(1) L-BGG

  • This website is not completely accessible in plain language, as our target group requires an understanding of demanding and/or scientific texts in order to study.
  • In addition, there are currently no explanations in German sign language.


2.2 Disproportionate burden

As a student organisation, we have a very extensive and diverse website, which is why errors cannot be completely avoided.

  • This website is currently only accessible to a limited extent with a screen reader.
  • This website is currently only accessible to a limited extent using the keyboard.
  • It is currently not possible to adjust the font size. Alternatively, the page can be zoomed via the browser.
  • Alternative texts are not available for all images, graphics and links.
  • Not all documents or PDF files are available in an accessible version.
  • Embedded videos are currently available without subtitles or text alternatives.
  • Forms are not yet completely accessible.
  • Content and background are not completely distinguishable, e.g. sufficient contrast between font and background is only partially provided.
  • Maps used for directions are not supplemented in text form.
  • Sliders cannot be paused individually.


2.3 Statement of reasons 

Seezeit has a very extensive website. The majority and content of the pages were published before September 2018. However, due to the disproportionate burden imposed by federal and state equality laws, the website is not yet fully accessible. The technical implementation is being carried out successively. Appropriate measures have been initiated.


3. Creation of this statement on accessibility

This statement was created on 07.10.2022. The declaration was last reviewed on 23.05.2024.


4 Feedback and contact details

Have you noticed any deficiencies in the accessibility of the Studierendenwerk's content? Then you are welcome to contact us. Please use the e-mail address Justiziariat[at] 
You can reach us by telephone on +49 7531 - 9782 106


5 Compliance procedure

In order to ensure that these web pages fulfil the requirements described in Section 10 (1) L-BGG, you can contact the legal department Justiziariat[at] by email and provide appropriate feedback. The relevant contact details can be found in section 4 of this declaration.


If we do not respond to your enquiry within the period specified in Section 8 sentence 1 L-BGG-DVO, you can contact the state government's representative for the interests of people with disabilities or the municipal representative for the interests of people with disabilities as part of the ombudsman function described in Section 14 (2) L-BGG and Section 15 (3) sentence 2 L-BGG.


You can contact the state government's representative for the interests of people with disabilities as follows:


Landes-Behindertenbeauftragte Simone Fischer
Geschäftsstelle der Landes-Behindertenbeauftragten:
Else-Josenhans-Straße 6
70173 Stuttgart
Telephone: +49 711 - 279 3360
E-Mail: Poststelle[at]


You can find the contact details of your local representative for the interests of people with disabilities on the website of the city or district in which you have your permanent residence.