Instructions for the Family App

Seezeit Kinderhaus uses the famly app to make life easier for parents and the team.

In this tutorials we will go through the most important functions of famly step by step.

We have created a fictitious child called Marie Fritz. Marie visits the fictional group of sea frogs. The tutorial will be carried out in the smartphone view, which is very similar to the desktop view. These tutorials aim to show you how to use famly and answer any questions you have. Have fun with it!


Please activate subtitles for the English translation!

Edit Profile & Basic Data
Enter health information such as allergies
Add contacts
Report illness, vacations and absence
The notifications and message settings
Display pin code for check-in
Change password or PIN
News and bookmarks
Response to events and invitations
Show the daily programme in the weekly schedule
Report vacation dates
Write messages

We hope you enjoyed our tutorial videos and found them helpful.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.