A year ago, we already had to adjust our prices (News: Price adjustment from 3 April 2023). At that time, our aim was not to pass on the increased energy and food costs to students one-to-one.
Unfortunately, the situation has not improved since then. In addition to the difficult situation caused by rising costs, salaries and minimum wages have also continued to rise. Our efforts to keep prices stable have led to a significant deficit. Although Seezeit is a non-profit organisation, we cannot make a loss in the long term.
Our not-for-profit mission is to promote equal opportunities in the education system by providing study-related services. In order to continue to fulfil this mission, Seezeit's Board of Directors and management felt compelled to increase prices again this year.
The first step will be to raise the prices for lunch in our canteens. In doing so, we are remaining true to our policy of keeping price increases as high as possible for external guests and as low as possible for students.
In concrete terms, this means that from 2 April the prices for our meal offers such as Seezeit-Teller, KombinierBar and hin&weg will increase. (*see note below) For example, the Seezeit-Teller will cost 40 cents more for students, 50 cents more for university staff and 1.10 euros more for external guests.
Student life is becoming more expensive, which can also mean problems for some in financing their studies. Our social counselling service can help you in this situation with financial aid or advice that goes beyond BAföG.
If you have any questions or feedback on the price increase, please use our feedback form or the opinion card in the entrance area of the canteen.
At this point, we would like to quote Matthias Anbuhl, Secretary General of our umbrella organisation DSW, once again: "If you want to relieve the financial burden on students, you have to give more financial support to the student services". Only with greater support from the federal and state governments could we keep prices stable, as we last did for six years before the inflation crises.
You can find out more about financing the Studierendenwerk on our website on the Studierendenwerk Fees.
*Note, 02 April 14:00, on the average values of the price changes: As the use of average values has led to confusion, we have adjusted the section.