Welcome to Konstanz, Ravensburg, Weingarten and Friedrichshafen! Are you hoping to begin your degree course in the near future or have you already started your course and are not quite sure yet what is involved? We would like to shed some light on matters and thereby help you from the start. We have therefore compiled a list of the key questions you may have about the start of your studies along with the relevant answers. If your issue is not covered here, please feel free to contact us by telephone or e-mail at our Service Center.
We hope you have a great start to your studies!
First submit a BAföG application so that we can check whether or not you are eligible for funding support (informal applications also welcome). You can get a BAföG application form at our Service Centers in Konstanz and Weingarten as well as from our website. Please be aware of the submission deadlines.
Contact points and information about services for students:
Students of the University Konstanz
Local advocacy Konstanz
Students of the University of Applied Sciences (HTWG) HTWG
Students of the Universitys in Ravensburg / Weingarten
Die überwiegende Mehrheit der Studierenden verdient sich mit einem Nebenjob etwas dazu. Und weil das so ein komplexes Thema sein kann, haben wir es hier zusammengefasst. Denn wenn man neben dem Studium jobbt, kommen in jedem Fall die Themen Steuern und Sozialversicherungspflicht auf:
Zusammenfassung zum Thema Jobben/Praktikum
DSW Flyer zum Thema Jobben
The majority of students earn something with a part-time job. And because it can be such a complex topic, we've summarized it here. Because if you work alongside your studies, the topics of taxes and compulsory social security always come up:
Summary on the topic of jobs
More information about jobs
DSW flyer on the subject of jobbing
Your UniCard is available at the Student Service Center of the University of Konstanz.
You will receive your ZACK-Card (HTWG) from the university administration.
There are two practice rooms for meditation or music. Each of them has got a piano and can be reserved at the Seezeit Service Centers in Konstanz.
Ravensburg / Konstanz
Interested students from Ravensburg / Weingarten, please contact Eva Escher from Service Center in Weingarten.
Our psychotherapeutic advice centre (PBS) is free and provides confidential support relating to any issues surrounding your studies. Regardless of whether you are currently suffering stress as a result of your studies or have personal problems, our male and female advisors will be only too glad to help you.
With our ‘Kinderzeit’ (childhood) programme, we aim to provide you with an all-round service ranging from advice to finding a nursery school place. You can find out more about this subject on our website. We would also be pleased to speak to you in person. You can find the relevant contact person under the stated link.
Part of our work is financed by you through the Studierendenwerk fees. Many of our services are free or very inexpensive for you as a student. The fee payments help to ensure that this situation continues in the future. You can find further details about Studierendenwerk financing on our website.